Ayurvet and Kamdhenu University, Gandhinagar jointly
organized Seminar on Application of Herbal Medicines
in collaboration with Kamdhenu University organized one day seminar on the theme of, “Application of
Herbal Medicine in Veterinary Practice” on November 29, 2016 in
Gandhinagar. Participants from different
organization including universities, state government and cooperative diaries
actively participated and shared their views.
The seminar was graced by the presence of Chief Guest, Shri Babubhai Bokhiriya, Hon’ble
Minister of Animal Husbandry and Cow Breeding, Water Supply, Fisheries, Civil
Aviation, Salt Industry, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar and Guest of Honour, Dr. S. Murali Krishna, IAS, Principal
Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Cow Breeding, Fisheries and Cooperation, Govt. of
Gujarat, Dr. Hitaben Patel,
Director, Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Gujarat. Other dignitaries
included Prof. M. C. Varshneya,
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. P .H.
Vataliya, Director of Extension Education from Kamdhenu University. Ayurvet
was represented by Prof. A. C. Varshney, Director General (ARF), Dr. Anup
Kalra, Executive Director, Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Head- Institutional Business, Dr.
Shivi Maini, Manager-R&D.

The Seminar was successful and was appreciated by the guests and
delegates. The expert’s excerpts built confidence amongst the veterinarians
about the role of quality herbals in improving farm profits and built Ayurvet
brand in the minds of stakeholders.

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