Friday, 10 February 2017

Ayurvet Knowledge Symposium 2016
Integration of Agriculture & Livestock for Sustainability- Water for Sustainable Development

Ayurvet Knowledge Symposium was successfully organised on the theme of “Integrating Agriculture and Livestock for Sustainability” on October 12, 2016 in PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi. The theme of the symposium was ‘Water for sustainable Development.’ The programme was well attended by Vice Chancellors, Directors, Foreign delegates Experts, Policy planners, Scientist, Media, Students and above all farmers in large numbers. The deliberation, shall give direction towards the cause and help in improving the farm profits through efficient use of water, soil and other natural resources
The symposium was organised in collaboration with leading Veterinary Universities of India, RAJUVAS Bikaner, MAFSU Nagpur and DUVASU Mathura.
Shri Parshottam Bhai Rupala, Minister of State for Agriculture, Farmers was the Chief Guest. He said, “Contribution of farmers to the world is unmatchable to any other working group and climate change has affected them the most. This is high time when every citizen think of utilizing every drop of water to take maximum output and should not pollute and waste it.  We should learn from traditional practice of agriculture and livestock and should not blindly follow foreign culture. The 5F security programme of Ayurvet is need of time. Without integration of livestock and agriculture, it can never be sustainable. Its each component has been touched by government through various schemes. We should also not pollute our water reserves. Under Swach Bharat Abhiyan we can decide to make our ponds and river clean. If such initiatives get support of citizens then we will surely be able to save water for our next generation.”
 The Guest of honour Shri Giriraj Singh Minister of State for MSME, said “In the race of development, we forgot that food and milk is basic need for our survival. Today agriculture has become gamble due to highly uncertain climate and availability of water. In this direction, I congratulate Ayurvet team for their concern in challenges of farmers and providing a sustainable solution through training and demonstrating sustainable agriculture practices and promoting Ayurveda for improving animal health. The technology of Hydroponics developed by Ayurvet is worth appreciating. He also mentioned that Moringa is a wonder plant and it use should be done for feeding of dairy animals. This would help in improving the milk production and reduce the cost of feeding.
Prof A.K.Misra, Honourable Vice Chancellor, MAFSU, said “We should come out of mentality that what is waste should be given to animals. Animals also clean drinking water for good health and more milk production. Agriculture and livestock should be practiced parallel for zero wastage. Hydroponics technology is a boon for providing green feed to livestock and should be popularised further.”

Prof.K.M.L Pathak, Honourable VC, DUVASU, shared the research should be in focus for finding solution for reuse and recycle of water. He also appreciated the research work of Ayurvet in field of Hydroponics technology for water conservation. He said the Ayurvet and DUVASU are working in collaboration for cultivation of medicinal plants and its training to farmers. This is on way forward for doubling farmer’s income and conservation of water
Shri M. J. Saxena, MD Ayurvet said” The very purpose of Ayurvet, since inception was to integrate Agriculture and Livestock for sustainability.   The sustainable green fodder is a big challenge in dairy farming. Ayurvet has now provided solution by providing Ayurvet ProGreen Hydroponics Machine, which produces fodder without soil in less time and consumes only 5% water of conventional method. He also mentioned that Ayurvet is now providing 360 degree sustainable solutions to the farmers.
Shri Pradip Burman, Chairman Ayurvet said, “Ayurvet is a responsible organization, and its manufacturing unit in Baddi is zero discharge water unit. He added that Ayurvet focus on cultivation of medicinal plants for raw materials to reduce the pressure on forest for raw material. He also said that apart from health of livestock, Ayurvet is working towards execution of 5F programme for sustainability.
The appreciation and honour to the media personnel covering Agriculture and Livestock from print and electronic media, was appreciated by the all the guests and dignitaries.

An exhibition depicting the sustainable initiatives of Ayurvet was appreciated by the guests and delegates. Cultivation of medicinal plants, hydroponics technology was the center of attraction. School children from Om public school demonstrated model of water conservation.

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